Devlog 1 - What's Next?

Hi everyone! This is our first official devlog. With the Piratesoftware Game Jam #15 complete and judging officially finished, here’s a save/loading patch for the game.

We want to be honest here. The way that we were able to patch this in is a “bandage” solution. I (Yolodude) looked into how others in Godot have used the clipboard on the web, and I found a reddit page of someone who solved this in Godot 3.5. I’ve implemented this method here and put a link to that reddit page under the credits of the game’s description in case other Godot users would like to try something similar. :D

This won’t be the last devlog here on Itch, so please consider following and adding to your collections as we will have further announcements when they become ready.

Things to expect for the future:

  • Important patches to the web version in the event of major bugs discovered. Certain features like the tutorial for combat unfortunately won’t be fixed in the web version only due to project technical debts. (sorry, I’m fixing these for the future! Keep reading.. ~Yolodude)
  • WE ARE HEADING TO STEAM! WOOO! That’s right, this game will be converted into a full RPG with most if not all the features you experienced here in the jam version. We will be expanding this to have up to 8 or 9 areas, a main story (this will probably be somewhat different than in the jam version.), more shadow creatures and objects to capture, in world puzzles and quests, and much more (main story related and optional).
  • A community discord where you can communicate with us devs and where we can discuss features and changes that we want to add to the game. Updates in the way of screenshots, videos, or other announcements will be there too.


v1.0.2 - Current


  • Re-enabled the saving and loading system with the use of browser prompts.


  • Moved Changelog from game description to here.


  • y-sorting on mom.



  • Reduced the collision zones in the cellar.


  • Y-sorting on appliances in floor 1 of the player house.
  • AP modification from abilities not resetting correctly.
    • Worldless Roar not doing what it said in its description.
  • Overworld map missing some art details.
  • Boss not triggering outro.
  • Mom interaction.
  • Cat capture trigger.
    • Cat should now bring the player to the final boss.
  • Fixed getting stuck in checkpoint tutorial if you fast travel back to the location you are already at.



  • Itch upload :D

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